One of our specialty areas of research is usability and UX. Simply put, through user research we show companies how to improve their websites, software, and mobile applications.
We are very excited to announce that we have a brand new quantitative way of measuring and understanding information architecture as it relates to the user – an online UX hybrid.
How is this useful to you? I’m glad you asked. Imagine you’re building a website, and you’re trying to get an understanding of how to organize your content from a navigation standpoint. We deploy an online study, asking users to sort your content into logical groups and place them into meaningful categories. We then examine commonalities between user groupings and design information architecture based on user expectations, as opposed to the mind of a developer.
Above: example of an Information Architecture online question
Of course, we can get deeper than that. We can identify navigation elements that will confuse users and disengage them from their experience. We can also ask users to dictate navigation categories, allowing us to capture how the user identifies with groups of content.
This type of usability study is easy to deploy. Panels, customer groups, social media followers, and internal audiences can easily participate.
Within a short period, we can get feedback from hundreds of people within your target audience and build an intuitive and useful information architecture diagram (like the one at the top of this page). For a relatively small investment, you will be able to have peace of mind that your navigation system matches the expectations of your users – giving them a smooth user experience and rock-solid information architecture categorization.
Want to know more? Either fill out the contact form or head over to our contact page.
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