Data Visualization: Where New Slang Comes From

The evolution of language is fascinating – none more so than slang.  Just like wearable fashion, the popularity and use of slang words are highly subject to moments in time.  One of my favorite data visualization sites, The Pudding, has done a stellar job of putting together interactive data-stories clearly showng the rise-and-fall of popular slang terms over the last few years.


Where New Slang Comes From reveals some interesting words, but some even more interesting insight:

  • While 2013’s slang term “selfie” is popular, it absolutely pales in comparison to “bae.”  The interactive visualization really drives this point home.
  • Some slang terms are extremely short-lived.  Terms like “vape” and “SJW” linger around in the vocabulary timeline, but “quash” is strictly confined to July 2016.  There was nothing, and then there was “quash,” and then there was nothing again.
  • I’m old.  I haven’t heard of 95% of the featured slang terms.  Netflix and chill indeed.

I’ve embedded a visualization below, but do yourself a favor and head over the original article – you’ll appreciate it bigly.